Brand image of Filippo Sorcinelli

Filippo Sorcinelli

FILIPPO SORCINELLI represents an extraordinary fusion of artistry and spirituality in the world of niche fragrances. Founded by a multifaceted artist who began his journey as a musician and creator of papal vestments, the brand transcends traditional perfumery to embrace a holistic artistic vision. Each fragrance in the UNUM collection tells a unique story, drawing inspiration from gothic art, sacred music, and the ethereal beauty of fog. The brand's foundation stems from Sorcinelli's LAVS atelier, renowned for crafting sacred vestments for Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis, infusing this spiritual heritage into their olfactory creations. With the pipe organ as his eternal muse, Sorcinelli translates his passion for music, liturgical art, and divine beauty into exceptional fragrances that resonate deeply with the soul.
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